Roxis Christmas Shopping Trip! View Sample
Length: 27.00 minutes Size: 1.00 MB Format: MP4
Roxi has to do some last minute Christmas shopping, but unfortunately she's stuck with the piece of shit truck and in a shit mood! She can't stand when she is stuck driving this truck because it never wants to start up half the time. Roxi says fuck it and heads out the door with no shoes, completely bare foot. She has no choice but to get this shopping done. She cranks and cranks but not having any luck getting it to go. just when she thought it was all over with she finally gets it started up and chances it to take it to the store. She goes in barefoot, not caring who is staring at her. Walks through the store to see if she can find anything worth a Christmas present. Then when she leaves and out the parking lot, here goes the piece of shit stalling out causing her to crank it even more!