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Sleepy Makayla Snores Loudly!    
Length: 22.00 minutes     Size: 1007.82 MB     Format: MP4
Makayla walks in from a long days of work and is so tired. Makayla goes to the fridge and pours her one of those special drinks. As she slow sips suddenly she starts to get really dizzy! Makayla then goes up to her bedroom and changes into one of her sexy lingerie and goes to the bed almost falling asleep immediately! Makayla falls asleep on her back and starts to snore, sleeping so good. She then rolls over to her stomach and starts snoring even more, as she sleeps so peacefully!
$ 13.50

Candice Sleepy Snores!    
Length: 20.00 minutes     Size: 914.33 MB     Format: MP4
Candice comes home and is very tired, she goes into her bedroom and takes off her shoes and un dresses into her panty and bra and gets in the bed. She gets very comfortably and suddenly drifts off to sleep quickly. After awhile she starts snoring loud. The snores get louder and louder. Candice then rolls over onto her stomach, she starts sleeping quietly but eventually the snoring comes again.
$ 14.50